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Solving problems that are beyond your control

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We Solve problems that Are Beyond your Control

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Welcome to Blizful Healing!

I am a Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner and Certified Hypnotherapist. I am also Certified Therapist in Past Life Regression, Inner Child Healing, Womb and Age Regression. With a passion for helping others and a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, I have dedicated my career to guiding individuals towards their unique healing journey.

My desire is to help you explore the journey from your body to mind, help you nourish your soul and shape a better tomorrow.

Magic happens only when you believe and trust the process.

Preeta (Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner & Past Life Regression Therapist)

Blizful Healing!

A sanctuary of transformation and restoration. We are a dedicated healing centre offering powerful modalities such as Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) and Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) to guide individuals on their path to profound healing and personal growth.

At Blizful Healing, we believe that true healing encompasses the mind, body and spirit.

Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) is a unique therapeutic technique that combines elements of hypnotherapy, neuroscience, and other healing modalities. It is designed to identify and address the root cause of emotional and behavioural patterns, allowing for rapid and lasting transformation. Through RTT, we delve into the subconscious mind to uncover deep-seated beliefs, release negative emotions, and reprogram the mind for positive change.

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is a profound healing modality that explores the realms of past lives and their impact on our present experiences. By accessing past life memories, we gain insights into recurring patterns, unresolved traumas, and karmic connections. PLRT offers a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery, providing a deeper understanding of your soul's journey.

Rapid Transformation Therapy is an innovative and integrative approach that combines the most effective elements of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This unique blend allows RTT practitioners to guide clients into a deep state of relaxation and hypnosis, where they can access their subconscious to identify and reframe limiting beliefs, negative patterns, and unresolved traumas. By uncovering and reframing these deep-seated issues, RTT helps individuals break free from self-sabotaging behaviours, overcome fears and phobias, manage stress, improve relationships, and achieve personal and professional success.

Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) works on clients by accessing and reprogramming the subconscious mind, which is the seat of our beliefs, emotions, and behaviours. The process involves several key steps that aim to uncover and transform deep-seated issues:

1. Identifying the root cause: During an RTT session, the therapist engages in a deep conversation with the client to understand the presenting issue, childhood, triggers, habits and any related symptoms or challenges. Through skilled questioning and active listening, the therapist helps the client identify the underlying beliefs, experiences or traumas that may be contributing to the issue at hand.

2. Hypnotic induction: Once the root cause has been identified, the therapist guides the client into a relaxed state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state of focused awareness where the conscious mind takes a backseat, allowing direct access to the subconscious mind. The therapist may use relaxation techniques, visualisation, and suggestion to induce this state.

3. Accessing the subconscious: While in a hypnotic state, the client becomes more receptive to positive suggestions. The therapist guides the client to explore the subconscious mind, using regression techniques and different tools to uncover memories, emotions, and beliefs related to the identified issue. This process may involve revisiting significant events or experiences from the past that have shaped the client's current mindset and behaviours.

4. Restructuring beliefs and perceptions: With the assistance of the therapist, the client works on eliminating, reframing and transforming negative beliefs and perceptions held in the subconscious mind by replacing with positive and empowering ones, the client can create new neural pathways and patterns of thinking. This process is aimed at fostering healing and personal growth.

5. Integration and reinforcement: Following the reprogramming of beliefs, the therapist helps the client integrate the newfound insights and transformations into their daily life. This involves providing personalised recordings for the client to listen regularly. These reinforce positive changes and support the client, in maintaining the progress achieved during the session.

*Rapid Transformation Therapy or RTT is highly effective in addressing a wide range of issues such as anxiety, phobias, addictions, self-esteem issues, inner conflicts, relationship challenges, and more. The approach combines various therapeutic techniques and leverages the power of the subconscious mind to create rapid and lasting transformation, uncovering their innate strengths and talents.

*RTT can help you with health, wealth, success, abundance, procrastination, goals, public speaking, sports, mood swings and much more.

*RTT helps kids in coping with exam pressure, team work, sibling fights, concentration, focus, will power, bed wetting, nail biting, achieving goals in academics and sports, discipline and can also help sharpen memory.

However, it's very important to note that the success of RTT depends on the client's willingness, patience and sincerity to participate actively in the process and trust that where energy flows, healing begins.

Past Life Regression Therapy explores the concept that our souls have lived multiple lives in different time periods and bodies. This therapeutic technique is performed with the grace of our spirit guides, masters and the blessings of the Divine. It wholly relies on the willingness, trust and commitment of the client to help solving emotional, physical, mental, financial and spiritual issues. It is associated with hypnosis and communication with the subconscious mind which allows individuals to tap into their past life memories and experiences, accessing the wisdom, insights, and unresolved issues that may be influencing their current life issues. During a past life regression session, the therapist guides the individual into a relaxed and focused state, enabling them to journey back in time and explore past incarnations. This process can provide valuable insights into recurring patterns, unexplained fears, relationship dynamics, and unresolved emotional or physical issues. By understanding and integrating these past life experiences, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, release emotional pains and blocks, and facilitate healing in their present lives.

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) works on clients by guiding them into a relaxed state, which facilitates access to memories and experiences from past lives. The process typically involves the following steps:

Preparation and intention setting: The client and the PLRT practitioner discuss the client's intentions and goals for the session. This helps set the focus and direction for the regression. The practitioner also provides information about the process, addresses any concerns, and establishes a safe and supportive environment for the client.

1. Relaxation and induction: The practitioner guides the client into a relaxed state through techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery. This relaxation phase helps the client reach a state of heightened awareness and receptivity.

2. Regression and exploration: Once the client is in a relaxed state, the practitioner leads them through a series of visualisation exercises and prompts designed to access past life memories with the help of various tools. The client is encouraged to engage in images, sensations, emotions, and insights; and to emerge naturally, without judgement or analysis.

3. Narrative and exploration: As the client accesses past life memories, the practitioner supports and encourages the client to describe their experiences in detail. This may include information about the time period, location, relationships, occupations, and significant events of the past life. The client explores the emotions, lessons, and themes that arise during the regression, thus gaining a deeper understanding of how these past life experiences are influencing their present life.

4. Healing and resolution: During the regression, the practitioner helps the client identify any unresolved issues or emotional blocks from past lives that may be impacting their current life. Through compassionate dialogue and therapeutic techniques, the client is supported in releasing negative patterns, emotions, or traumas and finding resolution or closure.

5. Integration and reflection: Following regression, the practitioner facilitates a discussion and reflection with the client, helping them make connections between their past life experiences and their present life challenges, relationships, or patterns. The client may gain insights into their soul's journey, life purpose, and lessons they are meant to learn in this lifetime.

It's important to note that the experiences during past life regression are subjective and may vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience vivid and detailed memories, while others may perceive information through feelings, intuition, or symbolic imagery. The interpretation and meaning of these experiences are personal and unique to each client. It gives 100% successful results but the time of healing depends on each individual.

Past Life Regression Therapy can offer valuable insights, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. It can help individuals gain a broader perspective on their current life challenges, overcome fears or phobias, release emotional blocks, and deepen their self-understanding and self-acceptance.

The transformative benefits of both therapies are truly remarkable. Clients have reported profound shifts in their lives, including:

* Release of deep-rooted fears, phobias, and anxiety

* Healing from past traumas and emotional wounds

* Increased self-esteem and self-confidence

* Resolving relationship challenges and patterns

* Discovering their life's purpose

* Enhanced overall well-being and inner peace

Our Services


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Blizful Healing

We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and non-judgmental environment for our clients. We believe in the inherent wisdom and healing capacity within each individual, and we skilfully guide clients through their healing journeys with compassion and empathy. We honour the uniqueness of every client and tailor our sessions to meet their specific needs, ensuring a truly transformative and personalized experience.

If you are ready to embark on a transformative journey of healing, self-discovery and empowerment, we invite you to experience it right now…. Take the first step towards a blissful transformation at Blizful healing and unlock the door to a life of wholeness and unlimited possibilities.

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Purify your thoughts, Align your soul & Facilitate the healing of your body.